  • Applicants must be Christian, adhering and signing off on Orphan Outreach’s statement of belief.
  • The adoption home study must be complete and approved.
  • Personal and pastoral references must be provided.
  • Applicants must be officially matched with their child and must demonstrate a funding status of a minimum of 70% raised.

  • Our application process is designed to help us assess the applicant’s heart for adoption, the spiritual wellness of the adoptive family, the family’s educational and parenting values, its biblical stewardship and the overall environment the child will be placed in. The specific finances are of secondary importance in our evaluation.
  • We have a special heart for providing grants to pastors and leaders in ministry. 

Documents required for application:
Once you have all the documents ready, please email them as one zip file to PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL DOCUMENTS AS SEPARATE EMAILS
  • Copy of your completed home Study
  • A current and complete fee schedule submitted by your adoption agency/ fee payment receipt from your adoption agency.
  • Confirmation of the 501(c)3 non-profit status of the adoption agency.
  • Copy of previous Two Year's Tax Returns. NOTE: Mark out all social security numbers on ALL Pages.
  • A family picture.
  • Pastor Reference. Please download the pastor reference form and email it to your pastor.
    **The completed pastor references MUST be submitted by your references directly to
  • Personal Reference. Please download the personal reference form and email it to your reference.
    **The completed personal references MUST be submitted by your references directly to

Click here to view adoption expenses and criteria that do not meet our eligibility requirements.

Grant Restrictions
Please confirm that you meet all the following requirements before moving on to the application:
The maximum gross income per household applying should be no more than $120,000 for a family of 4. Accommodations may be made for applicants who live in areas of the country where the cost of living is substantially higher.
Applicants may not be seeking more than one adoption simultaneously, unless the adoption is a sibling adoption. For families adopting more than two siblings, we will consider assistance for no more than two adoptions.
The adoption agency must have a 501(c)3 non-profit status with the IRS. We can only grant money to this type of agency. Please check with your agency about their status before applying.
The adoption agency’s Application and Home Study fees must be paid. The applicant's Home Study must be complete and approved. The agency will be required to send verification of this after we have received the application. We do not accept verification from the applicant.
It is the applicant's responsibility to communicate with their adoption agency about the required documents needed to complete the JDC application. This will include verification of Home Study (as mentioned above) and an expense sheet showing all fees, designating what has been paid to date and what expenses remain outstanding.
The applicants will be required to submit a personal and pastor reference.
We recommend two years between grant applications to JDC per family.
We recommend that your current adoption be two years apart from a previous adoption (between “Gotcha Days”) for children who are not biologically related.
We understand that all grant funds will be distributed at the discretion of the Joseph's DreamCoat Advisory Board and Joseph's DreamCoat does not provide an explanation of approval or denials.

Orphan Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization
Orphan Outreach • 2001 West Plano Parkway, Suite 3700 • Plano, TX 75075 • 972.941.4440